Service Center in Lebanon

Service Center in Lebanon

Our service center in Beirut (Lebanon) has been open since 2021. Born in response to the economic challenges faced by our customers, who, as a result of the past/current crisis, are looking for an innovative alternative that will enable them to reduce their costs, while maintaining the same quality of service.

Our CEO’s atypical choice of Beirut for this first international location stems from his desire to nurture the close ties that already exist between France, his country of heart, and Lebanon, his native country.

Our local teams have strong technical and linguistic skills, as Lebanon is known for its French and English-speaking education. This guarantees perfect integration and complementarity with our centers based in France.

Our operating model is designed to spread the workload between our three sites, enabling us to offer an innovative solution and implement a hybrid organization. The complementary nature of these centers means that we can offer our customers a tailor-made solution for every need.

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